I’ve found these 3 videos about SEO. Why am I talking about SEO, well it’s an important topic to cover especially for all you web video producers out there.
I’ve written in the past about YouTube SEO. The right SEO can help your videos get found by more people and help you find out what people are searching for with keyword research. Over the years SEO has been given a bad wrap by people promising over-night solutions and quick fixes to help you rank. The most important thing to remember about SEO is to create valuable content from the keyword research you do. I hope you enjoy these 3 videos about seo and if you have any of your own favorite please feel free to post them in the comments.
Video SEO Basic from SEOMOZ
SEOmoz – SEO Software
This is a great video from the good folks over at SEO MOZ. This video is a great overview of Video SEO. One major point that is brought up in the video that I think people often forget is the text transcription of your video’s audio. This can be tedious to complete but relatively inexpensive to outsource and is just an added bonus for your readers, and also more data for the search engines to index.
Video SEO from Aaron Wall
SEObook.com is a great resource for anyone looking for a robust community to learn SEO. Aaron brings up an interesting point of posting your video content to your site first and then to YouTube. You will always rank better by posting videos to your site first because your website will benefit more from the link juice. Video sitemaps are a great way to host your videos on other video platforms such as Wistia, and still get the link juice (or credit) for having the video on your site.
Matt Liu – Lead Product Manager at YouTube Sponsored Videos
Matt has some great general advice for all of you web video producers out there. Remember the basic 3 title, description and tag.
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